Monday, August 4, 2008

More from the home front

sooo...I know you are all wondering what Susie named her puppy....(Im sorry Allen, Leanna didnt win). She named the puppy Lamber. Please allow me to explain. We put a name jar in the middle of the table. As time was drawing nearer for the name to be chosen, Luke (Jodi´s son) and I decided to have some fun and to add everyones names together. For our names, we had ambuke and lamber. For some strange reason, Susie really liked Lamber. So I officially won the contest and I am going to get treated to lunch!! haha...but we later found out that Lamber in portugese means to it´s not that strange after all!

I will have to say that this last Saturday was one of the hardest days I have had here. We were visiting two of the favelas in Sao Paulo (Aldeinas and Parque de Campo Novo Mundo). While we were at Favela Aldeinas, we prayed with many of the people there due to the fact that they are being fored to move within the next few months. This move will be terribly hard on all of the families, since many of them have no money, nowhere to go, and many women have to make this move with no husband and many children. It was vrey hard to hear their stories and to have to see them gor through something like this. Its hard to understand how soemone could live like they do, and so easy to forget how thankful we should be. So I am very greatful to be able to pray with these women in their time of need.
The most difficult part came when we were leaving. As we were all climbing into the van, a little girl ran up to the van crying. Her eyes were very red, and so were her friend´s. All she kept saying was that she wanted to just come home and stay with us. Its hard to leave after seeing that. So we decided to have a day where we will pick up the kids from Favela Aldeinas and have them spend the whole days with us at the Shakara. We will be doing this next Saturday, and me and the girls (Vivian, Alexandra, and Rita) get to plan it all! Please keep us in your prayers so that everything will work out and the kids will get to learn more about Christ through AMO. It is one of the last days that AMO will get to spend with the kids from Aldeinas, since it is getting torn down.

Thank you so much for your support....


James and Beth Griffith said...


Following along side of you on this great journey. Thought I'd leave a comment and say hello.

I will be praying for your special day with the kids,knowing God's love will shine through you.

Beth Griffith

Tina said...


If you and Justin had a puppy you could name him Jamber... and that must mean to dance.


DO tell Susie that I don't want to call the church near as often because I miss her voice. I love that worshipping woman like crazy.

Proud of you on the cooking...

Love you and can't wait to hug your neck.

You could name your dog Austin... but that is too normal for a dog, don't you think? But a nice name for a son! (smile)

Ruth said...

Amber, I am so proud of you. You have such a great heart.I know it will be hard to come home but we all can't wait to see you.

Unknown said...

Hey Amber!!! I know exactly how you feel about not wanting to leave. I remember being in tears leaving Thailand! The transition seems overwhelming, but God's mercies are new everyday and He will get you through it. Have no doubt:)

I know you have grown so much through this experience, and I am so excited to hear all of the amazing stories:)

Brittany 'Greene' Kaminh